Deutsch Intern
Lehrstuhl für Altes Testament und biblisch-orientalische Sprachen

Neuer Sammelband "The Early Reception of the Torah"


“The Early Reception of the Torah”, edited by Barbara Schmitz and Maximilian Häberlein (Würzburg), Kristin de Troyer and Joshua Alfaro (Salzburg), contains the papers presented at the 2017 meeting of the SBL Program Unit on Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature in Boston, MA.

The theme of the sessions was the interpretation of Torah in deuterocanonical literature. Whereas some contributions focused on the concept of Torah, law, or the figures that embody the law, or stood for the application of the law, others took themes or topics from the first five books, such as testing, fearing the lord, emotions, etc. All contributions, however, attempted to trace a concept or theme through the Hebrew Bible, into the Septuagintal deuterocanonical books and other relevant and cognate literature.

Die Beiträge des SBL Annual Meeting 2016 sind nun in dem Sammelband "The Early Reception of the Book of Isaiah" bei de Gruyter in der Reihe Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature Studies 39, herausgegeben von Kristin de Troyer, Barbara Schmitz, Joshua Alfaro und Maximilian Häberlein, erschienen.

List of Contributions/Beiträge:

  • Barbara Schmitz / Kristin De Troyer, Introduction
  • Mark Mariani, Inheriting, Developing, and Debating within Tradition: Abraham’s Torah Observance in Second Temple Judaism
  • Jan Willem van Henten / Silvia Castelli, Massah and Meribah Re-interpreted: Biblical Accounts, Judith, and Josephus
  • Angela Kim Harkins, Emotion and Law in the Book of Baruch
  • Beate Ego, The Torah in the Diaspora: The LXX Esther and Tobit as Text-cases
  • Joseph A. Weaks, Fearing the Lord God: The Reception of Deuteronomic and Deuteronomistic Torah Trophes in Tobit
  • JiSeong James Kwon,  Re-Examining Torah in the Wisdom of Ben Sira: Was Hellenistic Wisdom Torahised?
  • Hanna Tervanotko, Searching the Book of Law: Jewish Divination in 1 Maccabees 3:48
  • Gerbern S. Oegema, The Sabbath: From Biblical Commandment to Halakhic Discussion
  • Tessa Rajak, Torah in the Fourth Book of Maccabees
  • Michael Langlois, Moses versus Enoch? On the Reception of the Mosaic Torah in the Book of Enoch
  • Ryan Stokes, Mosaic Torah and Defense against Demons in the Book of Jubilees
