Profile (English)

Maximilian Häberlein studied Classics and Theology at Bamberg and Würzburg (State Examination, 2017; Licentiate in Theology, 2022). He completed his doctoral dissertation on the Old Greek version of Job at the University of Würzburg in 2023. Since 2017, he is working as a research associate/lecturer in Old Testament. He was awarded the John William Wevers Prize in Septuagint Studies in 2021 and the University of Würzburg dissertation prize in 2024.
Maximilian Häberlein's research has been focused on LXX studies. His monograph Speaking to Job in Greek. Text, Translation Technique, Literary and Theological Profile of OG Job 38:1–42:6 (De Gruyter, 2024) explores the textual history as well as the social, literary and religious contexts of Old Greek Job. He continues to be involved in research on theology and anthropology in the LXX as well as Greek linguistics. He is further interested in the narrative literature of Hellenistic Judaism (e.g., 1 Esdras, Aseneth).
For his post-doctoral research, he is currently developing a new project investigating the rhetoric of restoration in the Hebrew Bible, especially in prophetic literature and Psalms.
- Speaking to Job in Greek. Text, Translation Technique, Literary and Theological Profile of OG Job 38:1–42:6 (BZAW 560), Berlin: De Gruyter, 2024. Link
Edited Volume
- The Early Reception of the Tora (DCLS 39), edited with Kristin De Troyer, Barbara Schmitz und Joshua Alfaro, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020. Link
- Old Greek Job as Ancient Jewish Literature: Literary and Theological Perspectives, in: JiSeong James Kwon / Tobias Häner / Janina Hiebel (eds.), Job Unveiled and Reimagined: Current Issues, New Paradigms, and Future Horizons [forthcoming].
- Imaginations of Persian Power and Kingship in 1 Esdras, in: Journal of Hebrew Scriptures, special issue Ancient Jewish Memories of Achaemenid Persia (eds. Kristin Joachimsen / Jason S. Mokhtarian) [forthcoming].
- Was macht das Einhorn in der Bibel? Der μονόκερως in der Septuaginta, in: Theologie der Gegenwart 66.4 (2023), 242–253.
- Ungehörte Warnungen, verhallende Botschaften? Kommunikationsstrategien alttestamentlicher Krisentexte auf dem Prüfstand (with Verena Sauer), in: Felix Fleckenstein / Peter Frühmorgen / Florian Klug / Verena Sauer (eds.), Perspektiven einer lernenden Theologie. Das Fremde als Impulsgeber (Würzburger Theologie 19), Würzburg: Echter, 2023, 109–138.
- Schönheit, die nicht vergeht. Zum Zusammenhang von (idealen) Körpern und Gottesbeziehung in Joseph und Aseneth, in: Protokolle zur Bibel 32.1 (2023), 35–56. Open Access
- Superfluous Lines? Minuses of OG Job in the Context of Alexandrian Scholarship, in: Journal of Septuagint and Cognate Studies 55 (2022): 31–42.
Other Professional Activities
- Virtual Seminar "The Septuagint in Modern Research", Member of the Core Group.
- Chair (with Bryan Beeckman and Martijn Jaspers, KU Leuven) of the Workshop "Theological and Ethical Transformations in Ancient Bible Translations" at the EABS Annual Conference 2024