New hermeneutical challenges abound within the process of globalisation especially as they pertain to culture and religion. Consequently, a new form of hermeneutics approached from an intercultural perspective is needed. This requires, if not a new set of hermeneutical tools then, at least, a serious, profound and critical analysis and constructive adaptation of the already available set of hermeneutical tools. Intercultural hermeneutics in the understanding of religion and culture and among cultures and religions is being proposed here as this new form of art or science of understanding.
Series/Reihe: Intercultural Theology and Study of Religions 7
Publisher/Verlag: LIT Verlag
Year of Publication/Erscheinungsjahr 2021
Language: Englisch
ISBN: 9783643914545 (PB)
ISBN: 978 36439145470 (PDF)