Lehrstuhl für Fundamentaltheologie und vergleichende Religionswissenschaft

Providence and Sanctification – How God Shapes Us into Conformity with Christ

Providence and Sanctification – How God Shapes Us into Conformity with Christ
Datum: 16.05.2019, 18:00 - 19:30 Uhr
Ort: Sanderring 2 (Neue Universität), Bibliothek Fundamentaltheologie (129)
Vortragende: Prof. John McKinley

Christians typically point to the means of grace in church life and spiritual disciplines for sanctification. Additional operation of God is his use of everyday strains and challenges (marriage, family, occupation, weather, health problems, civic life, etc.) to provoke and shape people into conformity with Jesus Christ. This vision of God's providence in sanctification allows people to see God's close involvement with them in all circumstances (Rom 8:28-29).

John McKinley is Associate Professor of Theology at Biola University, located near Los Angeles. His published work has focused on Christology and ecclesiology, with further research on the human body in Christian perspective.

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Am darauffolgenden Tag (17.5.) werden wir im Rahmen eines Workshops ausführlich mit John McKinley, Thomas Schärtl und Klaus von Stosch zum Thema „Sündlosigkeit Jesu“ diskutieren: Link
