Dr. Joseph Grayland
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
* 1963
1992: Priesterweihe
1997: Masters of Arts
2002: Promotion
Priesterlicher Dienst in Gemeinden in Neuseeland, Deutschland und den USA
Lehrtätigkeiten in Neuseeland, den USA und Deutschland
General Management (Professional Development/Fortbildung) Neuseeland, 2005–2017
It Changed Overnight. Celebrating New Zealand’s Liturgical Renewal 1963 to 1970, Te Hepara Pai, New Zealand, 2003.
Die neuseeländischen Maori und das österliche Mysterium: Fragen zur liturgischen Indigenisierung in Das Geheimnis lasst uns künden, Nadine Baumann (Hrsg.) Münster 2005, 34–57.
Liturgical lockdown: Covid and the Absence of the Laity; a New Zealand Perspective, Te Hepara Pai Press, New Zealand, 2021.
Catholics. Prayer, belief & diversity in a secular context. A New Zealand Perspective, Te Hepara Pai Press, New Zealand, 2021.
“Laudatio Si’: An Integral Ecology for a Common Home”, in Common Prayer. 60 Years after Vatican II. Steps Forward, Sticking Points and New Frontiers, Bryan Cones (ed)ATF Press, Adelaide 2024, 5-24.
"A commentary on cultural change and the implementation of pastoral-liturgical practice since Sacrosanctum concilium." Pastoral Liturgy 53, no. 2 (2022): 1-12. DOI: https://doi.org/10.59405/2653-7834.1181